InfoLit Bio
InfoLit Bio
Co-author of the Mexican Information Literacy Standards for Higher Education, and author of the IFLA International Guidelines on Information Literacy for Life-Long Learning now available in several languages, and editor of the book Information Literacy: International Perspectives (K.G.Saur), as well as other published books and papers, including the co-authored (Ralph Catts) Towards Information Literacy Indicators: A Conceptual Framework Paper, written for and published by UNESCO, 2008. Coordinator of the UNESCO-funded past projects of InfoLit/IFLA: a) the Web-based International Information Literacy Resources Directory, b) the International Information Literacy State of the Art Report, and also coordinator of the c) IL International Logo Contest, all available in their former version at
He is a full time professor at Universidad Veracruzana and holds a Ph.D. in Information Science from Sheffield University; a Master’s Degree in Library Science, from Denver University. He has also received the National Researcher Award six times, 1989-2010 (Mexico). He has been a member of the Board of Directors of the Special Libraries Association (USA) and of the Governing Board and Executive Committee of IFLA; and President of the Mexican Library Association (AMBAC).